Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bottle holding, talking, and raspberries

Well our little boy is going to be 6 months old on thursday. It really is amazing how much babies change from month to month. He holds his bottles which for me makes feeding time so much easier and he's onto the baby cereal and those nasty jars of pureed fruits and veggies. Yuck!! There is a guy i work with that gave me a good piece of advice when it comes to jarred baby food. He said, "Make sure you try the food before you give it to the baby. If you can't stand the taste why would you make your baby suffer through something that nasty?" So with that in mind i refuse to give my kid any sort of meat out of a jar. I personally with not try baby food. It's a texture thing for me but if it sounds or looks icky he probably wont get that to eat either. He loves dill pickles or should i say he loves to suck the juice off of them, thanks to grandma kidd. Jim has also taught him how to do raspberries. It's really cute until i am trying to give him food and he's spraying it everywhere. And my favorite thing he does now is say MAMA!!! Of course he has no clue what he's saying other than it makes mama come running with a huge grin on her face. Daddy's not so happy but he'll get his turn sooner or later. Till then i am going to enjoy it at least for now. I am sure when it's mama, mama, mama...MOMMY!!! I'll wish he said dada first.

peace out


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Farmer Eamon

Howdy! Check out our little hippo wrangler...isnt he cute!?! Well we went a couple of weeks ago to get his CT scan to check out where his fistulas(gills) are leading to. Yeah... it didn't happen. In fact the only thing that did happen was a ton of alligator tears from Eamon and I and a bunch of track marks from all the attempted pokes. We still got to take him to the Ears, Nose, and Throat dr. and she examined his neck and decided we are going to wait another 6-12 months to see if any changes occur. She doesn't want to do the surgery till he's older and i guess that's alright, the only thing is we have to be careful about colds and such cause they will bother him more than most people who don't have "gills". He also got his first ear infection and he loves the taste of his pink, bubblegum-flavored amoxocillian. Now for stats. He's 20 lbs 27 3/4 in tall 2 teeth 1 set of gills and 1 partially goopy left eye He loves Percy Sledge in the car and watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einsteins. He has lots of little mommies at his daycare that he goes to now and boy does he love the attention. Soooo much that he throws fits at home when we dont' dote on him 24/7. So thanks little mommies! anyway that's all i got for now take care.

peace out,

Friday, August 14, 2009

sorry it has been awhile...we've been a busy family with work, switching Eamon's daycare, and my misc. jewelry, pampered chef, and home int. parties. but i do have news. Eamon has a tooth in and he loves gnawing on everything! he gets so frustrated when he rolls over cause he rolls onto his arm due to the fact he wont take his hand out of his mouth. we also have updates about our little aquaman and his gills. tuesday he goes for his pre ct scan physical and then we're off to OSF for his scan. i don't know if its because we are first time parents or if seasoned parents get the same way but i am terrified at the fact he's gonna have to be put under and get an IV just to get the scan done. and if i think that's bad who knows what i'll be like when he has to get surgery. its always funny when we try to explain to people about his branchial cleft cyst. jim always brings up the aquaman and the gills and the fact that he can talk to dolphins which for me makes it easier to deal with even though it's not a major's my baby and you want them to be perfect. on a somewhat different note i went to the doctor for me yesterday and the nurse had the gaul to ask me if i was going to have another baby. i think i gave her the kimi cole look of death, actually i am pretty sure i gave it to her along with everyone else who asks that question. she was lucky to survive it and not get a tongue lashing but only because she said jim and i make beautiful babies or baby. if there is another one someone else will be going through the tough stuff or we'll adopt cause this lady knows what to expect and i aint that crazy to do it twice! i don't know how women do it, having more than one kid, but they are some tough cookies and you all deserve something far greater than a pat on the back but i can also say that i am not sorry that i wont be apart of the physically having more than one baby club. and on that not i am going to take the baby to the greatest mommy and baby destination ever WALMART! so jim can work in the yard. peace out and catch ya later.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's Mom's turn

So since jim has been slacking off with the updates i thought i would take a stab at it although mine probably wont be as funny but at least it wont contain anything about some super sucker 5000 toliet. so our little man eamon isnt' so little anymore in fact he's HUGE. they say babies are supposed to double their weight in the 4 month but our kid did it in 2. (impressive i know) right now we are working on rolling over and sitting up with some help, which he does but looks like a weeble wobble or one of those bobble head characters. the other day he even scooted himself across part of the leaving room with his legs just a kicking and his face bulldozing the carpet. luckily his face was intact and there wasn't any floor burn on his . big forehead or actually it's kind of a 5 head. we got family pictures done last month for his 3 month pictures and hopefully i can get them on here and as always the picture he smiled in was with his dad...go figure. for the 4th of july we went home to visit my family in leland, il. they were having the 150th celebration that week through the following weekend so we decided to check out the festivities. eamon got to see his first parade and slept through most of it till the fire trucks came by and set off their sirens...after the 5th truck he was pretty teed off. we also went to a pork chop supper, fish fry, tractor show(cause that's what they have in small farming towns) water fights, and stopped in to see my ma at the carnival. the best thing i would have to say was the Ag olympics. my family was in high hopes to win a lot of the events, i believe we were in all but one event and that one event was the pig catching. which after the first pig pooped in the corral i was very thankful i wasn't going to be the one in there slipping in the crap. but we showed up in homemade tye dyed t-shirts that said THE KIDD CLAN on the back and we were out for blood. first was the wheel barrow race where i had to actually push my neice in a wheel barrow the catch was on the other end of the line we had to switch and she had to push me. i have 70 pounds on the girl and frankly i got tipped out twice and after that we just walked to the finish line. the good thing is we still got a second place so that's cool. my sister lost if for up in the balloon toss, jim, my dad, and my brother-in-law kyle were in the haybale pushing contest which i think they said the bale weighed 1800 pounds or something ridiculous, the egg sling shot where i was the one catching all the raw eggs they shots at me, and lastly was the tug o war. we got jipped out of a ribbon too but the other team had this massive kid as their anchor man and he put our team to same. i think he pulled us and his whole team. maybe next year we'll do better but it was fun and jim got to enjoy the hillbilly life for awhile. eamon enjoyed it to cause everyone wanted to hold him and just dote on him and now he's a bit thanks everyone you know who you are. he's been a bit whiney lately and we are thinking he's cutting teeth. he's been eating his hands and i think if he could get the whole thing in there he would and boy does it frustrate him when he can't. this week my mother is coming up to watch the baby since his babysitter is on vacation and jim is staying home too to work on the house. he's got high hopes for the backyard and the basement so cross your fingers all goes well. anyway i guess i have rambled on enough. jim will probably lock me out now so i can't get on here. oh well....

peace out


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nerds, and the weather balloon

Here's Brian's Blog with some more information.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Daddy's First Day

Well It's my first night alone with the baby and so far things are going good. I had hoped to find some blue dye to bath the baby in. Oh, I'd cover his hand feet and face of course but the rest of him could be a lovely shade of indigo. Take note, If your wife comes home from her first overnight trip and her baby looks like an Umppa Looompa you can rest assured you'll never have to watch the baby all night again. Sadly, there are no rubber bands to affix the baggies to his hands. plus he seems frightened of the blue water. Perhaps some evolutionary throwback to preclude a youngster from sticking his head in a toilet. Regardless I will have to come up with some other devious plot to keep her from leaving. mmmmm.... well I am stumped for ideas unless my faithful readers have any?? let me know..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Day of Rest, Yeah Right....

Its been more than a week now and Eamon is settling into a schedule. Get up, look cute, eat, poop, then go back to sleep, cry for food, poop some more. he's peed on Kimi about three times already. He's definitely taking after me. Here's a pic of Kimi in her way to few moments of rest. Eamon is doing fine, every hiccup or stray symptom sends me to the computer to research whats wrong with him. It all turns out to be perfectly normal. From the color of his poop to the amount he is eating all get looked up. I wonder what parents did before the Internet?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Babies Boobies, and Diapers

Why is it that when Gorillas have a baby, they latch them on their breast, baby monkey hangs on and that's it. We have so many accessories, poultices, lotions, diapers, creams, Its amazing babies made it at all before the breast pump. Babies and new mothers are a lot of work. I think I slept about twice in the last three days. A few hours here and there. It's all worth it. He beautiful and its going to be great. Sorry I had a little trouble with the pics but they are back up now. here's one to hold you over till Eamon gives us a break.

Thank for the calls and advice, I'll be calling you all soon bye.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Breaking News

No, Kimi has not had her baby. It seems in a moment of pregnancy cravings kimi actually ate her wedding band. I all started out simple enough. Kimi had a ravenous craving for crab legs so we headed off to the all you can eat buffet.

She is a sight to behold, perched on the edge of her seat eyes gleaming, the picture above reveals Kimi's disdain for crab cracking tools. She shuns such instruments as an artist would a paint by numbers picture. With one fluid motion she snatches the leg from her plate, breaks the knuckle and then cracks the shell in two revealing the soft fleshy crab meat. this is gulped down like an albatross, head back in one motion. I have to avert my eyes during the meal at the carnage unleashed on the buffet line. Face and hands covered with crab juice I don't think she can ever have her fill of these tasty crustaceans. After a few hours and about 14 platefuls of decimated crabs I dragged her from the restaurant. Feral cries of "Just one more ... one more plate" escaped her as I locked her in the car.

Now like I said I didn't watch her every move throughout the meal so I can't be certain, however upon arriving home we discovered her wedding band had disappeared. Its my assumption that It and about 200 crab legs are now in her stomach. She denies it of course, and is frantic to find it. I called the Chinese restaurant but one they realized it Crabzillas husband on the phone, they said the restaurant was was closed. (Crabzilla was what the buffet people were yelling as they approached her in broken english. Oh no Crapziwwa ish commming argg.). She sobbed in the corner for a bit. A devious plan, not real sadness. She had plans to play the sympathy card and make me return to the buffet so she could have another go at the crab line. Now we have to order another ring but she's been in overdrive mode with the baby just around the corner making online purchases anyway.

Okay this will be my last post as the computer and my office are heading downstairs. See ya then
