So since jim has been slacking off with the updates i thought i would take a stab at it although mine probably wont be as funny but at least it wont contain anything about some super sucker 5000 toliet. so our little man eamon isnt' so little anymore in fact he's HUGE. they say babies are supposed to double their weight in the 4 month but our kid did it in 2. (impressive i know) right now we are working on rolling over and sitting up with some help, which he does but looks like a weeble wobble or one of those bobble head characters. the other day he even scooted himself across part of the leaving room with his legs just a kicking and his face bulldozing the carpet. luckily his face was intact and there wasn't any floor burn on his . big forehead or actually it's kind of a 5 head. we got family pictures done last month for his 3 month pictures and hopefully i can get them on here and as always the picture he smiled in was with his dad...go figure. for the 4th of july we went home to visit my family in leland, il. they were having the 150th celebration that week through the following weekend so we decided to check out the festivities. eamon got to see his first parade and slept through most of it till the fire trucks came by and set off their sirens...after the 5th truck he was pretty teed off. we also went to a pork chop supper, fish fry, tractor show(cause that's what they have in small farming towns) water fights, and stopped in to see my ma at the carnival. the best thing i would have to say was the Ag olympics. my family was in high hopes to win a lot of the events, i believe we were in all but one event and that one event was the pig catching. which after the first pig pooped in the corral i was very thankful i wasn't going to be the one in there slipping in the crap. but we showed up in homemade tye dyed t-shirts that said THE KIDD CLAN on the back and we were out for blood. first was the wheel barrow race where i had to actually push my neice in a wheel barrow the catch was on the other end of the line we had to switch and she had to push me. i have 70 pounds on the girl and frankly i got tipped out twice and after that we just walked to the finish line. the good thing is we still got a second place so that's cool. my sister lost if for up in the balloon toss, jim, my dad, and my brother-in-law kyle were in the haybale pushing contest which i think they said the bale weighed 1800 pounds or something ridiculous, the egg sling shot where i was the one catching all the raw eggs they shots at me, and lastly was the tug o war. we got jipped out of a ribbon too but the other team had this massive kid as their anchor man and he put our team to same. i think he pulled us and his whole team. maybe next year we'll do better but it was fun and jim got to enjoy the hillbilly life for awhile. eamon enjoyed it to cause everyone wanted to hold him and just dote on him and now he's a bit thanks everyone you know who you are. he's been a bit whiney lately and we are thinking he's cutting teeth. he's been eating his hands and i think if he could get the whole thing in there he would and boy does it frustrate him when he can't. this week my mother is coming up to watch the baby since his babysitter is on vacation and jim is staying home too to work on the house. he's got high hopes for the backyard and the basement so cross your fingers all goes well. anyway i guess i have rambled on enough. jim will probably lock me out now so i can't get on here. oh well....
peace out
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