Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Crazy Day

Kimi is up every night with some new ailment either real or imagined. One time after watching small life she fixated that our child might come out a midget. Next, after reading one of her pregnancy books she was sure the baby was in trouble. He had failed to move for a few hours so we had to go to the doctor and have the nurse do a Sonogram. So it was no surprise, after attending the joy of childbirth class that we woke up and she informed me she was in labor.

I admit I didn't believe her so we went to work. After a few hours she called my office and said the doctor wanted her to come in for an appointment. I sighed and told my boss I would be back in the morning and off we went. The baby hadn't moved all night so they hooked her up to a machine and listened to Rufus' heartbeat. It all checked good. The doctor grabbed some sort of belly cattle prod and zapped Kimi in the stomach. The baby moved then, bucking around, ticked off at our Quack doctor for waking him up. (It was some sort of acoustical wand not a cattle prod but it sure torqued him off). All seem well and I was feeling smug as we walked into the exam room. After a quick check of the ChaCha he told me Kimi was dilated to a 2 or perhaps 3 and he'd like us to go to the hospital to ensure she didn't progress further. If she did the baby would probably come that day.

Okay it was a bit of a shock but Kimi turned into a Crazy Women. First telling me we had to get a car seat. Its true, we had to drive to the Mart and pick up a car seat. We talk about doing things to get ready for the baby every day but I was relying on some maternal instinct to guide me through this process. Unfortunately my laziness won out. So baby's room isn't finished. (or started, but I am a glass half full kinda guy). no bassinet, car seat, no crib, or dresser. I feel if the great gorillas of the jungle variety can just squat and put the baby on their back how hard can it be? Kimi is way meaner than an adult silver back. So I ducked a few ill tossed object, and we bought a car seat.

The dilation's didn't progress past a two or three and eventually they sent us home for the night. If her contractions become more regular we will head back to the hospital tomorrow. Oh, and I'm logging off so I can get the baby's room done.


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